Custome Home Design And Construction


If you own or consider purchasing a property in Guanacaste, or Puntarenas provinces, then this limited promotion is for you.
Firstly, we will visit your site to analyse the building potential.  Beginning with infrastructure lot services, the lot’s topography,
lot access, focal points, earth movements, or retention if applicable.  And much more.
Secondly, free consultation for the procedures and total costs of pre-construction designs and permits, and post-construction of the building.

Free of charge

Schedule an Appointment
Dream Homes in Guanacaste - Modern Design - Costa Rica

Are you wondering what a Dream Home truly is? Suppose you own a vacant property in Costa Rica or, are contemplating purchasing a property with the idea of a custome home design or developing it for income generation. In that case, you’re in for an enlightening journey.

With over 43 years of experience in the construction industry, and 18 years in Costa Rica.  We specialize in designing and building new custome homes, condos, apartments, and small commercial spaces. We’ve noticed that many property owners may not realize the incredible potential and opportunities they have to create their very own custom dream home.

We are committed to helping you create a custome home that resonates with your individuality and celebrates your success, regardless of its size or budget. Let’s start this journey together.

Total Costs For Custome Home Designs and Construction

Designing and building in Costa Rica can be a thrilling endeavor, brimming with promise and opportunity. However, it’s not without its challenges. Navigating the intricacies of permits, regulations, and cultural nuances can often feel overwhelming. But fear not, for every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise.

Knowing all costs upfront is an asset and is paramount.  However, most architects and builders speak in ’round about’ figures or percentages, vague approximates, more or less a loose guess.  What is included? Or what is not included in the loose guess?  Try to get a definitive answer with a commitment.  So, let us take the guesswork out.  Permit us to give you a full analysis of your property and a free consultation of associated procedures and costs.  Explained in more detail below.

Embrace the journey knowing that each step brings you closer to realizing your vision. With perseverance and strategic planning, your dream project in Costa Rica can become a reality. And the rewards? They’re immeasurable. Not only will you have a stunning masterpiece to call your own, but you’ll also be contributing to the vibrant tapestry of this enchanting country. Let’s embark on this adventure together, turning challenges into triumphs along the way.

Architectural Production Process

Our architectural production process is a personalized journey towards creating your unique dream home in Guanacaste. The initial step involves presenting you with an ‘Anti-Project,’ which is, a preliminary custome home design layout and property use.  Demonstrating a floor plan sketch that includes property boundaries, house layout, lot access points, parking, pool location, and garden areas.  We show a bird’s eye view of the entire property and lot usage.

Included in the anti-project are tables of areas.  Air-conditioned areas, shaded terrace areas, pool areas, decking areas, green areas, garage/parking areas, etc.  We will show specific attributes and elements to be included in your design and landscape.  All of these control costs and give you full control of these budgets.

This Anti-Project serves as a canvas for customization, allowing you to express your likes and dislikes, and to fine-tune the design to meet your specific needs, lifestyle, and budget.  That is truly the definition of Custome Home Design.

Glass House - Modern House Design
Stone Sculpting and Polishing

Solution to Controlling Costs to Build A House In Costa Rica

Why this promotion is so important to you?

By understanding the full costs for the designing and the building of your property.  Provides you a much better control of your project budget. There are two phases to developing your property.  Pre-construction and Post-construction.  There are several attributes to consider for property development.  Some are relevant to your property and some are not.  Depending on your location, canton, or district of the property.  Property zoning, construction size, topography, environmental, and much more.

Firstly, the Pre-Construction Phase, which includes:  architect design fees, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, possibly a structural engineer, perhaps a civil engineer, an HVAC engineer, there’s the cost of the federal permit there’s the cost of the municipal permit there’s the cost of the insurance there’s the cost of soil studies if applicable.  There may be environmental studies.  All of the above may be required to receive a building permit.  My site visit will determine, what is relevant for you.

Secondly, the Post-Construction Phase, which includes: Earthmovements if required, retention if required.  Complete the lot servicing of electric, water, and telecommunication if required.  Balance the budget for the house, pool, and landscape.  Depending on your standards and house attributes.  Our building costs consultation will determine what is relevant for you to receive the home of your dreams.  Let’s get it started.  Schedule a site visit and after we can meet in virtual or real life for the building discussion.  Our consultation will specify budget parameters for each catagory.

Results in Knowing the Costs to Build A House in Costa Rica

This gives you a leading edge to the development of your property.  A leading edge toward your custome home design and construction.  Having this information will give you peace of mind and a map toward achieving the ultimate objective.  Which is, living in your dream home in Costa Rica.

Benefits for Total Costs
Designing and Building in Guanacaste